Security & Privacy Information
How does Life Unpaved LLC use information gathered about its online visitors? Any consumer information gathered on this Site may be used for aggregate research, promotional purposes and/or for future site development. In particular we may use information gathered about you for the following purposes: to send you or, where appropriate, your organization, information about us and promotional material about our products together with details of any offers we may have available from time to time; to monitor interest in our range of products and to assist us to tailor the content of our Site to your needs by collecting information about your preferences through tracking patterns of page views on this site; and to create a profile relating to you in order to show you the content that might be of interest to you and to display the content according to your preferences.
Disclosure of Information
Life Unpaved LLC will not disclose personal identifiable information that you provide on this Site to any third parties other than to a Life Unpaved LLC agent, except: 1) in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy statement, or 2) to comply with valid legal requirements such as law, regulation, warrant, subpoena or court order.
Life Unpaved LLC, in common with many website operators, may use standard technology called cookies on this Site. Cookies are small data files that are downloaded onto your computer when you visit a particular website. You can disable cookies by turning them off in your browser; however, some areas of this Site may not function properly if you do so.
Policies for Online Visitors Under 13 Years of Age
Life Unpaved LLC does not provide any personal identifiable information to any third party (other than Life Unpaved LLC agents) from our online visitors identified as being under 13 years of age. E-mail addresses of children under 13 are only used to deliver requested information.
When an online visitor under 13 years of age registers or provides any personal identifiable information, he/she is required to provide the e-mail address (or on some Sites, the postal address) of his/her parent or guardian. We give the parent or guardian notice via e-mail (or postal mail) when their child under 13 years of age registers or provides personal identifiable information. The notification provides the parent or guardian with instructions on how to review and delete information collected from his/her child.
Although online visitors under 13 years of age may be allowed to participate in some contests or promotions, if such a visitor wins, notification and prizes will be sent to the parent or guardian identified when the child entered the contest or promotion.
This Site incorporates appropriate safeguards using industry standard technology to heighten the security, accuracy and privacy of any personal information we have collected and we have put in place reasonable precautions to protect information from loss and misuse. Our security and privacy policies are periodically reviewed and enhanced as required.
Policy Change
If we alter our privacy policy, any changes will be posted on this page of our Site so that you are always informed of the information we collect about you, how we use it and the circumstances under which we may disclose it. Please check back from time to time to ensure you are aware of our current privacy policy.
Copyright © 2017 Life Unpaved LLC All Rights Reserved. The text, images, graphics, sound files, animation files, video files and their arrangement on the Life Unpaved LLC, site are all subject to Copyright and other intellectual property protection. These objects may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these objects be modified or reposted to other sites. Some of the Life Unpaved LLC site may also contain images that are subject to the copyright rights of their providers.
Unless otherwise indicated, all marks displayed on the Life Unpaved LLC site are subject to the trademark rights of Life Unpaved LLC, including its corporate logo.
No Warranties or Representations
This information is provided by Life Unpaved LLC “as is” and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or non-infringement. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. All product descriptions and illustrations of dealer service equipment are provided by the manufacturers of the products.
Accordingly, by using this information, you agree that Life Unpaved LLC (including its subsidiaries, agents, officers, directors, employees and insurers) are not liable for damages of any kind, including (but not limited to) consequential or special damages resulting from your use or access.
No Licenses
Life Unpaved LLC has sought to achieve an innovative and informative Internet site. We hope that you will be as enthusiastic as we are about this creative effort. However, you also need to understand that Life Unpaved LLC must protect its intellectual property, including its patents, trademarks and copyrights. Accordingly, please appreciate that no license to Life Unpaved LLC intellectual property has been granted by this Internet site.
Suggestions and Ideas
Unsolicited suggestions, ideas or other submissions to Life Unpaved LLC will be treated as non-confidential and nonproprietary.
Contact Details
If at any time you wish to contact Life Unpaved LLC with any question or complaint or to exercise any of the rights set out in this privacy policy statement you may do so by contacting Life Unpaved LLC by either of the methods set out below:
Life Unpaved LLC
PO Box 1234
Boerne, TX 78006